Social Injustice

I found the talk by Stevenson to be very fascinating, but there was a part in the beginning that really stood out, and I hope to use that story to help me show how Stevenson defined social justice and injustice. During his speech, Stevenson told a story of how his grandma pulled him aside when he was young and made him promise that he would never drink alcohol. A couple years later, he and his siblings were in the woods and they had alcohol. His older brother kept trying to get him to drink it but he refused. Stevenson has gone his whole life without drinking, and has kept his promise to his grandma, yet people like his brother would pester him about it. I know it’s not a total injustice but it is not fair how people get treated when they stick up for what’s right and do the right thing. Stevenson made a promise to his grandma and he kept his promise, which now a days many people don’t do. It shouldn’t seem weird and it shouldn’t be made out to be a bad thing for people to actually keep their promise, and it’s sad that in today’s world many people are so used to lying and going back on promises that when someone actually does keep a promise people are surprised.

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